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Türk Hava Yolları’na ait TK1265/THY20U sefer sayılı İstanbul – Varşova seferini yapan TC-JSK tescilli Airbus A321-231 tipi uçağın pilotları henüz bilinmeyen bir nedenden dolayı tırmanışlarını durdurup geri dönme kararı aldılar. Yapılan geri dönüşün ardından uçağın inişini yaptığı ve seferin iptal edildiği öğrenildi.
I was in this aircraft. Do you have any further information what had occured in it?
There isn’t a full detail yet, but there is a problem with the landing gear.
Thank you for your respnse,
I found some pages and translate it in google transator.
It probably will take some time before they clarify the circumstances.
If you have any informations pleas send it to me.
Ok. Thank you…
Btw, aircraft tc-jsk is still grounded.
do you know what caused “hard landing”?
i dont know but investigating..
Probably you forgot about this issue?